Friday, October 6, 2017

Understanding Peace Policy

Social Cohesion and Peace Education Unit Ministry of Education

Why a policy?
n  To generate innovative strategies which build on existing provision;
n   To provide coherence across the various organisations and activities involved;
n  To provide coverage and avoid gaps;
n   To avoid unnecessary duplication;
n  To ensure sustainability

The policy is centered in the  Social Cohesion and Peace Education Unit (SCPEU) of the Ministry of Education, a specialized unit whose existence demonstrates the importance given to SCPE

The seven strategic areas
n  Curriculum
n  Teacher Education
n  Second National Language
n  Whole School culture
n  Integration
n  Co-curriculum
n  Research 

n  Curriculum
Reinforcement of the importance to ESCP of the existing Life Competences and Citizenship  Education (grades 6-9) and the Citizenship Education and Governance (grades 10-11) curriculum, but monitoring the impact of this through research, and reviewing as appropriate.
n  Teacher Education:
Development of curriculum, manuals and other materials for use in teacher training, to ensure that every teacher is exposed to ESCP goals and can work to promote ESCP concepts and vision, both in their curriculum subjects and in terms of classroom relationships.
n  Second National Language:
Strengthening of the provision of 2NL, through the development of a clear policy on 2NL and the establishment of a specific National College of Education for 2NL teachers
n  Whole School Culture:
Development of a clear focus on a school culture and ethos that fosters peace and respect for rights, in the school and the community, so that schools can become designated as a Peace School in the Community, after fulfilling stringent criteria for this recognition.   
n  Integration:
Promotion of further integrated schools, and if not physically possible, more ways of linking schools and sharing experiences found, such as twinning.  Every child should be guaranteed a ‘peace experience’ such as an exchange.  
n  Co-curriculum:
Strengthening and monitoring of Co-curricular activities, including links with outside agencies, and using events and dialogues to promote intercultural understanding as well as skills of living in a democratic society.
n  Research:
Creation of a research network, to bring researchers in ESCP together, both to develop a programme and to submit proposals for funding.  An ESCP research grant fund should be established.

Relevant to Social Cohesion and Peace
n  The achievement of national cohesion, national integration and national unity
n  The establishment of a pervasive system for social justice
n  The active partnership in nation-building activities to ensure the continuous nurturing of a deep and abiding concern for one another (NEC Report 1992).

Objectives of the policy
n  It is to suggest innovation in strategies – the need to re-strengthen the activities already available in the system for promoting ESCP
n  It is to provide coherence – that there are common threads that run through all the various activities and through the work of departments and organisations, and ambiguity or contradiction is avoided
n  It is to provide coverage – that all the necessary elements are covered with no gaps
n  It is to avoid unnecessary duplication – while reinforcement of values is essential, it is important that there is efficiency in the provision and a clear demarcation of responsibilities.
n  It is to maintain sustainability in the activities – the programmes launched at different times need to be sustained and monitored. 

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